About Me

What I want people to take from this blog is trying to be a better person. I personally do turn to religion for this task, but I do not expect others to do the same. I am open to all beliefs of others. I am accepting of others, I try not to judge people based on looks, beliefs, likes, or dislikes. Those who say "I don't" judge based on looks, religion, status, etc are wrong. Everyone passes judgement against each other, however I believe that this can change with conscious effort. I want to try to influence others and better myself in a positive way through my words and actions. Take this verse as you will. It is something I am trying to live by. "Stop judging so that you may not be judged, for are you judge so will you be judged. And the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you." - Matthew 7:1-2

Friday, September 30, 2011

Grant me the serenity.

Okay, so my last post I was upset with my roommate, and the other night things got pretty heated. 
It started where she blamed my other roommate and I for ruining a pillow and we have no idea what happened to it.  It's not even ruined it's the type of fabric where if water gets on it, it will show, but easily can be blotch cleaned.  Anyways, she said things like "well if I ruin your guys stuff I'll at least tell you.," and "I just wish you would confess," which really pissed me off because I don't know what happened to it, because it's a simple water stain, and because I didn't ruin her pillow (at least not on purpose that I was even aware of).  Anyways, I was ready to beat my roommate because this is the 3rd time she has accused my other roommate and I of something. 
Now, I may be only 5 foot 3 inches, 115 pounds, but I have beaten up a guy before, literally punched him in the face approximately 5 times.  (Thankfully I didn't get arrested for assault!), anyways, I was very close to beating my roommate.  I seriously can't stand her, she has made no effort to try and get to know my other roommate and I, she makes demands and rules for the house when she is NEVER here, she takes up most of the space in the house when clearly my other roommate and I own 2/3's of the house collectively and are willing to share with each other.
I had a really hard time trying to stay calm, not over reacting, and to trust in the Lord to not have me beat her.  Eventually I just walked away because nothing was getting accomplished.  Which is unfortunate because we really need to get things figured out because my lease isn't up until May and I'm not sure I can do 8 more months of this. 
But I am trying, I guess the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all," if applicable in this situation.  I don't know if I could honestly talk to her anymore without screaming at her, at least not now.  So it may be better for me to just leave her alone and not talk to her at all.  It shouldn't be too hard though since she's never home.  Which brings up another rant, how can I have such a strong dislike for someone who is NEVER AROUND??  If anyone can riddle me that one that would be great.
Okay, well I'm done ranting for now, I'm actually quite calm in terms of this situation now, and I know that if I keep talking about it it'll just get my blood flowing even more, and being the point of this blog is to help me to be a better person I'm probably defeating the purpose.
Okay, so if anyone has any tips, advice, or words of wisdom for me, that would be fantastic!
Take care everyone.

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