About Me

What I want people to take from this blog is trying to be a better person. I personally do turn to religion for this task, but I do not expect others to do the same. I am open to all beliefs of others. I am accepting of others, I try not to judge people based on looks, beliefs, likes, or dislikes. Those who say "I don't" judge based on looks, religion, status, etc are wrong. Everyone passes judgement against each other, however I believe that this can change with conscious effort. I want to try to influence others and better myself in a positive way through my words and actions. Take this verse as you will. It is something I am trying to live by. "Stop judging so that you may not be judged, for are you judge so will you be judged. And the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you." - Matthew 7:1-2

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Okay so this week I have a 2 mid-term exams.  One is tomorrow and one is Thursday.  Unfortunately I have YET to study for the exam tomorrow.  I'm really struggling to focus right now and every time I sit down to start studying I go to do something else (like decide to blog).  I think part of the reason why I can't focus right now is because I am so excited to get to go home at the end of the week.  I have not seen my family in over 6 weeks, and Thursday can't come soon enough. 
So here I sit..note cards all around me waiting to be studied..books in front of me waiting to be read..and documents on my computer waiting to be filled out.  Yet I can't stop thinking about things I need to remember to pack for when I go home and things I need to bring back to school with me when I come back to good ol' Omaha. 
Being away from my family for so long has really made me appreciate them so much more.  I realize how blessed I am to have such a supportive family while pursuing a doctorate degree.
When I am home for fall break, I am going to take in as much time as possible with my family, let them know I love them and appreciate them.  Thinking of them is what is going to get me through the next 3 1/2 years of school.  It may be tough being down here by myself without the feeling of love and security I get from being with my family, but I believe with the support and love from them I can do this.
Please enjoy the song posted below.  I listen to it regularly when I'm feeling alone, when I'm stressed about school and other life issues, and when I when I'm missing my family.


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